Sunday, March 4, 2012

What is better weapon type in Dragon Age Origins: two-handed, sword and shield, or dual-wielding?

I want to be able to do a good amount of damage, but also be able to defend myself well, seeing how my character will be the tank. Which kind of weapon handling should I use for my character?What is better weapon type in Dragon Age Origins: two-handed, sword and shield, or dual-wielding?
I think the different skills you pick change how the weapon types are with your character.

Two Handed is slow but deals large amounts of damage, and it also has area effects and knockdown skills. So its great for tank types so they can just deliver hammerblow style attacks to knockdown opponents and deliver large amounts of damage slowly.

Sword and Shield is a great balanced combination. The shield gives you higher defence, but it gives out average damage at an average speed so its just a sort of balanced.

Dual wielding gives you very quick damage, with your strong hand hitting the same damage at the same speed as Sword and Shield, your weak hand can only use daggers and small weapons and hits with half damage, but it gives you that extra damage at high speed.

Really you should go with Dual Wielding because no companions use that. Alistair is good with Sword and Shield, Sten is good with two handed, Leliana is good with a bow. It just makes sense to go for dual wield.What is better weapon type in Dragon Age Origins: two-handed, sword and shield, or dual-wielding?
That, my friend, is a good question. I'll give you the layout of each setup.

S and S- Crappy attack, crappy defense, since you cant pull out your shield

Two handed- Great attack, slow attack speed (speed is everything in this game)

Dual- Great attack, fast attack speed.

For defense, you rely on armor and constitution. You shouldn't wast the thing that's most important (your weapon selection choice) when you could use it on armor.

For attack speed, it is MAJORLY important. Many times, it can determine life or death

The best choice is dual weapon.What is better weapon type in Dragon Age Origins: two-handed, sword and shield, or dual-wielding?
it depends on what role you want your toon to be in. if you want a tank the Sword and shield is good, its good defense and you can take more damage.

if you wantl lower but fast damage you can go with dual wielding

if you want huge damage but slower swings you can go 2handed.

i have done all three and had most fun with 2handers, the look the coolest too.
I go for dual wielding because it's fast and the talents are smoother and more interesting. However, if you;re being the tank, I would use a sword and shield. Two handed is slow and I found it incredibly boring.

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