Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why won't my duplicated Tomes work for Dragon Age Origins?

I used the duplication trick and got 99 tomes of archane to use for a mage (Morrigan) but they won't work? Why is this happening?Why won't my duplicated Tomes work for Dragon Age Origins?
If you have any of the other tome for the warriors/rouges in you pack, get rid of them (move them to the junk section for a short time, or sell them for a short time to a shopkeeper), the books don't work correctly most of the time when you have the other one in the same part of your pack.

Also, watch out on using any large number of those books on any one character, if you max out the skills of a person you won't be able to level that person up at all anymore. A much better plan to really boost the attributes is to find the Tombs of the Mortal Vessel instead. Those boost the attributes without any skill points, so you can't run into the problem I mentioned just above.

Edit: Well, I've always have got that problem. If I've got the tome for warriors/rouges in the same part as the tomes for mages, I can't get either of them to work till I separate them. And I wasn't saying his problem was using too many, I was merely giving a big warning that can kind of break a portion of the game with using such a trick with those books.Why won't my duplicated Tomes work for Dragon Age Origins?
You can't use them in camp I noticed. You have to have her in your party. That's probably your problem. I tried to use them in camp, I mean why shouldn't you be able to use tomes on other party members in camp? But you can't.

Edit: "If you have any of the other tomb for the warriors/rouges in you pack, get rid of them (move them to the junk section for a short time, or sell them for a short time to a shopkeeper), the books don't work correctly most of the time when you have the other one in the same part of your pack."

I've NEVER had that problem before. And I did the same thing as the asker did and had several different types of books in my inventory at a time. Also, it doesn't sound as if his problem is the fact that he used too many of them because he said he can't get them to work at all. Therefore, I think it's the problem I addressed.

Edit Edit: Hm. Maybe it's a 360 thing? I'm on ps3 and like i said haven't run into that problem. And oh sorry.

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